Guilty is a Netflix Original film produced by Netflix India. The plot revolves around a group of youngsters and a rape accusation ruins their relations. Nanki is a lovely girl who runs a music band along with her friends, Tashi, Hardy and her lover VJ. The investigation and struggles to find out the truth and ensure to capture the guilty one forms the story.
The major cast of Guilty are Kiara Advani, Anushka Ranjan Kapoor, Taher Shabbir, Nikki Walia etc. Guilty release date is March 6, 2020
Check out below for Guilty Netflix Movie (2020): Cast, Release date, Full Movie HD, High-Speed online streaming, Watch Online.
Cast and Crew
- Kiara Advani
- Anushka Ranjan Kapoor
- Taher Shabbir
- Nikki Walia
- Dalip Tahil
- Gurfateh Singh Pirzada
Guilty Release Date: 6 March 2020