With huge expectations, the Bigg Boss Telugu Season 4 has launched. The makers have released the latest promo video. The video has moments of the first nomination of the season. The preview video was filled with funny moments.
As everyone started nominating the stronger contestants, Gangavva declared that she won’t nominate anybody. It is the task of each contestant to nominate all the two contestants.
Gangavva had been selected into the show due to her amazing performance. The Bigg Boss Telugu 4 season 4 fans have broken out in laughter after the funny promo.
Season 4 of Bigg Boss Telugu is titled as the “Game of Connections”. It will be challenging to see who will be eliminated in the first week. The fans will be able to start voting from Monday Night and Nagarjuna will declare the evicted contestant. Bigg Boss Telugu 4 contestants are from TV and celebrities from another medium.