The fourth season of Bigg Boss Telugu is filled with twists. The first week of the show had 7 contestants in the nomination list. Few contestants who were silent became active in the latest episodes. The weekend power-packed episodes have the show host Nagarjuna.
Bigg Boss Telugu 4 contestants Gangavva, Sujatha and Abijeet are safe this week. With a huge margin of votes, these 3 housemates have crossed the elimination. Gangavva has been leading the voting with more than 40 per cent. Abijeeth was also getting huge support and got saved with Sujatha.
Surya Kiran, Mehaboob, Divi Vadthya and Akhil Sarthak are in the danger zone. Due to lesser share in Bigg Boss Telugu 4 vote, one of these four will be evicted. In our public voting to Surya Kiran has the least number of votes.
Divi Vadthya was the second last in the public voting but things turned around. In Thursday’s and Friday’s episode, she was very active. In just two episodes, she gained a huge amount of support. Akhil and Mehabood are also getting better support from the audience.
Nagarjuna will announce the first eliminated contestant of Bigg Boss 4 Telugu in Sunday episode. The fans of all four contestants are currently tensed about the result. Let us wait to see who will be evicted and will there be any wildcard entries.