Ardhashathabdam is an upcoming Telugu movie. The movie release date is 26 February 2021. Currently, the movie is in the post-production stage. The movie is directed by Rawindra Pulle. It belongs to the crime drama genre.
The plot is about a village where violence ruins the life of people. Things take a new turn as the youngsters also get affected and lose families. They decide to fight back but even the police can’t help. Can they stand strong and eliminate all the evil?
Ardhashathabdam movie cast has Krishna Priya, Karthik Rathnam etc.
- Karthik Rathnam
- Navin Chandra
- Pavithra Lokesh
- Rama Raju
- Raja Ravindra
- Sai Kumar
- Krishna Priya
- Subhaleka Sudhakar
- Amani
- Ajay
- Suhas
- Sharanya Pradeep
Release Date
26 February 2021